Sunday, August 30, 2015

Alaska Coral Princess Sea and Land Tour Overview

I'd just like to thank you for following along on my blog, I hope you enjoyed the review, tips and photos! 

If you're deciding on whether or not to do a land and/or sea tour of Alaska or about to go on this trip, here are some quick links to each day on tour, as well as, what I did before and after the tour started.




Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Coral Princess Northbound Cruise and Land Tour Day 14

The Coral Princess Northbound Cruise and Land Tour
The Packing Challenge and the City of Fairbanks, AK

Our final day in the last frontier state started with trying to cram all of my souvenirs, which included 3 hoodies and a few other odds and ends into my luggage, which was only a carry-on suitcase and a lone backpack. It was a challenge that I somehow managed to do without bursting the seams of my suitcase and backpack. Then after a quick jaunt over to the concierge to drop off our luggage, my parents and I took the hotel shuttle from the hotel into the City of Fairbanks. 

This was perhaps bad planning on my part though, most of my research went into the port cities we visited while on the ship and the least amount of research I did was put into Fairbanks. Well it turns out that unless you rent a car in Fairbanks, there's not a whole lot see on foot. So our last day was spent with a few hours walking around the city streets and stopping to check out the Morris Thompson Cultural Center (really neat place), then back to the hotel to wait for our airport shuttle.

So without further delay a quick photo tour of last day activities.


The end of my 2015 Alaskan adventure.
